Study of Girth: Thick, Fat, and Wide

 How thick is Thick? 

Let's start at the middle . . . Forget Masters & Johnson, forget Playboy's Advisor, and ignore everyone else but your Cock expert, CockWorship58!

Average Cock sizes range from 6-7 inches in Length & 4-5 inches in circumference or girth.

As I keep stressing: Cock size matters more in thickness than length. That said, any cock longer than 7 inches is above average, and over 8 inches is a big cock. BUT, you need thickness as well for the cock to be considered truly "Big." Thicknesses over 5 inches around are above average thickness, between 5 1/2 and 6 around are considered thick. 6" around & thicker is in the very thick realm, and over 7 inches around is super thick.

We'll have our CB boys model their cocks in demonstration:

Above average Thickness-over 5" around to just under 6" around

Classic Thickness-6" around and thicker but under 7" around:

Super-Thick- Thickness-7" around to 8" around


Ultra-Thick- Thickness-8" around and thicker!!!!


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